Whose stories are you interested in?
We are collecting stories from anyone who has a story of arrival in the United States. You could have arrived here from any part of the world at any time, including as recently as today. You may have come to the U.S. as an immigrant, refugee, seasonal worker, or tourist. Our interest is in capturing the lived experiences and human realities of arrival in the United States and all stories are welcome!

What formats do you accept?
Stories can be submitted as audio, video, or text. Audio and video should be no more than 3 minutes long and textual submissions should be limited to 500 words. These are not strict limits, but stories within these parameters are greatly preferred. If possible, please also submit a photo of yourself from around the time of your first day in the country (a current photograph is also fine, if that is all you have).

How do I submit my story?
Stories are submitted directly through the submission form on the First Days Project website. If you are submitting a video story, please upload the file to Youtube or Vimeo and submit a link through the First Days Project website. Audio (as mp3, aiff, aac and wma) and text can be submitted directly through the First Days Project submission form.

Can I submit someone else's story to the project?
Yes, definitely! Many of the stories in the First Days Project were collected by family, friends, or community members of the interviewee and would be delighted for you to submit the story of a loved one. However, please be absolutely sure that the person whose story you are submitting is comfortable with their story being shared publicly online. They should also know that their name will be associated with their story unless you specify otherwise.

We'd also love to have your help collecting more stories for the project. Our hope is that the diversity of stories represented in the First Days Project will reflect the diversity of the American immigrant experience. Click here to learn more about becoming a volunteer.